Monday, May 9, 2011



Selalulah membawa perkhabaran yang baik kepada sesiapa sahaja yang berada disamping kita..

..always practice the word of Allah S.W.T "Say:" With the grace of God and His mercy, let with them that rejoice. gift of God and His mercy is better than what they collect. "[Yunus: 58].

Rasulullah S.A.W. tidak pernah berduka dalam urusan dunia, dimana baginda selalu memotivasikan diri dengan ayat-ayat di atas..

Pesimis menjadi lawan kepada optimis. Dimana tugu optimis kita kadangkala roboh dek olehnya. Tetapi, tahukah anda apa kesan pesimis unruk jantung kita?

Motivasi buat kita..
And the Prophet himself was amazed by all the affairs of the believers, because it contains all of the good: If a disaster struck (tribulation) be patient then is good for him, and if he is happy, he grateful and it's also good for him!

Moga menjadi pengubat duka kita..=)

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